Our way to Wellbeing
As a school, looking after the wellbeing of everyone at The Orchards is always of paramount importance and we are always trying to improve this aspect of school life. As many of you may remember, we are striving to achieve an award in wellbeing and mental health and asked for the views of parents, staff and children earlier in the year. We wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who completed the survey and offered suggestions as they have been very helpful. We were really pleased with the results, but are now working hard to improve the areas that were not as strong. The results of the survey are published below.
We will be redoing the surveys at the end of this school year to get as much feedback as we can, and hope everyone will feel even more confident about how the school looks after the wellbeing and mental health of everyone involved.
As always, if you have any concerns about the mental health and wellbeing of your child, please contact us to make us aware and put support in place. On this page there is also a process map of who to turn to when problems arise that you may find helpful.