We are delighted to welcome you and your child to Orchards Junior School!
The best chance to visit our school and see what we can offer is during our open evening, but if you are unable to attend we would be delighted to show you the school at a more convenient time. This will provide a chance to meet the staff, explore the opportunities for your child and discover what makes our pupils SPARKLE.
Please speak to reception on 01903 520202 or
email us at enquiries@orchardsjunior.school
School Place Application Form Click Here
There are several distinctive features about the school but the overwhelming feature, which is commented upon frequently, is the warmth of welcome and friendliness. We are a large school but pride ourselves upon the commitment we make to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to fulfil their potential by staff who understand them as individuals.
The school has exceptional strengths in sport (Activemark Gold / PESS / Healthy Schools), music /drama productions (Artsmark Gold) and commitment to the school ethos. Every activity or strategic objective is linked to our main aim ‘To create a positive learning environment where everyone is valued, supported and encouraged to achieve their full potential’.The whole staff is imbued with an energy and determination to succeed in achieving our school aim Our principles are based upon exploiting the aids to raising performance and overcoming the barriers through: Setting high expectations and giving every learner the confidence that they can succeed
Establishing what learners already know
Structuring and pacing the learning experience to make it challenging and enjoyable
Inspiring learning through passion for developing knowledge, skills and practice
Helping individuals be active participants and partners in learning
Developing knowledge, skills and practice using a range of strategies that take into account the variety of learning styles presented to us drawing on internal and external expertise as appropriate.
Ensuring that the school is well led and managed by a Leadership Team that reflects the range of talent and ensures that the key decision makers are the best ones!
The Key Characteristics of the school that make us distinctive are:
Provision of opportunity embedded with an inclusive thread.
Ownership of the curriculum – appropriate timings, specialisms utilised, content relevant to the children and the local community
Creative leadership that is learning centred Pupil tracking that allows for individual target setting Powerful Partnership with parents
An extended school with a structured extra curricular activity and educational visits programme
A happy, safe and supportive atmosphere with a strong commitment to helping everybody to succeed